Professor Emeritus Jerome “Jerry” Knutson was also recognized at the event for receiving the 2024 University of Minnesota President’s Award for Outstanding Service.
Recipients included a student from each of the campus departments.
How Oliver teaches his students has evolved over the years and he continues to strive for that “spark” in each one of them as they realize their potential.
NACTA advisor Theresa Helgeson, who is also an instructor and lab services coordinator on campus, and chaperone Marina Wiley, accompanied the 20 students to Idaho.
Watch the event recording here:
This year’s keynote speaker is Julie Borlaug, a visionary leader in the field of agricultural innovation and sustainability with a profound legacy rooted in her grandfather, Norman E. Borlaug's pioneering work in the Green Revolution.
To apply or for more information, visit
Four central images emerged: Sunflower, Farm, River and Cottonwoods, and H20 molecule under a microscope.
“It’s been 10 years since Allen, Professor Emeritus Dan Svedarsky, and others launched this community garden”
Students completed their degree requirements by the end of the fall semester.